Sunday 7th May

Sahara Room

07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast on Patio

08:00 Book Raffle & important information

Moderators: Adryon Kozel (in-person); Bailey Burns (online)

08:30 Don Balanzat
Unlocking the Potential of Extended Reality (XR) for the Space Industry

09:00 Loretta Whitesides
SpaceKind, a Total Eclipse of the Sun, and You

09:30 Miroslav Rozloznik
Underwater Analog Space Missions

10:00 Frank White
The Overview Effect and how Space migration contributres to the UNSDG

10:30 Barbara Belvisi
Interstellar Lab: combining Hardware, AI and Computational Biology to build controlled-environment biofarms for plants to growth, on Earth and in space.

11:00 Emily Apollonio
Optimizing resiliency in analog habitats

11:30 Closing Session

Extended Tours of SAM and Biosphere 2

12:00 Packed Lunch on Patio

Lower Hab

Moderators: Ryan Kobrick (in-person); Brandy Nunez (online)

08:30 Steven Barber
The road to Apollo 11 Apollo 13 and Dr. Sally Ride monuments

09:00 Lee Wilkins
Planetary Body: Cyborgs bodies and astronaut selection

09:30 Trent Tresch
CHaSE" to "University of Arizona's Center for Human Space Exploration, Using analogs to train an AI doctor for space”

10:00 Henk Rogers
What will the ultimate MoonBase analog look like?

10:30 Bernd Zabel
The Bio-Dome phenomena